An Examination of the Mormon Attitude Towards Homosexuality


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Cloy Jenkins – Co-author.  Owned and operated The Willows, a gay resort on the Russian River with his partner Alon (Tim) Fish for many years.  Their guests included many Affirmation members, particularly from the San Francisco and Los Angeles Chapters.  Cloy has lived for a number of years now on Maui and is involved in the corporate incentive travel industry.



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Dr. Howard Salisbury – Co-author.   Professor at BYU and Chairman of the Humanities Dept. Ricks College. Owner & operator of The Symposium at Guerneville, Ca.   Passed away shortly after the initial publication of Prologue in 1977.





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Lee Williams – Principle editor,and contributor.  Lee resides in Salt Lake City where he is vice president of a toy company.  A writer and published author of children’s books, he is currently working to produce a musical he wrote in 2016: First Christmas In Zarahemla. His play was workshopped in WDA–a graduate drama class at BYU where it was performed on stage.   Excommunicated in 1982 for being a gay activist as director of Affirmation, Williams was rebaptized in 2013. He is currently a Gospel Doctrine teacher in his local ward. 



Cloy Jenkins, Dr. Howard Salisbury, Lee Williams, BYU and homosexuality, History of Gays and BYU, The Payne Papers, Is homosexuality a choice, Can homosexuality be cured, Apostle Paul and homosexuality, Can electroshock therapy cure homosexuality, Aversion therapy and homosexuality. Aversion therapy at BYU. Does the Mormon church use electroshock on homosexuals, Biological foundations of homosexuality, What causes homosexuality, Excommunication and Mormon homosexuals, Mormons and homosexuality, Married homosexual Mormons, Is marriage a cure for homosexuality, Does masturbation cause homosexuality, Dr. Allen Bergin and homosexuality, Persecution of gays in the Mormon church and BYU, Affirmation and support groups or gay Mormons, Dr. Ford McBride and homosexuality